



郑俊荣  教授,博士生导师

说明: Dr. Junrong Zheng      









2007年获得分析化学与光谱协会的汤马斯赫斯费尔德奖 Tomas Hirschfeld Scholar AwardFederation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies),2008年获得韦尔奇基金会的诺曼赫克曼韦尔奇杰出青年奖(Norman Hackerman Welch Young Investigator AwardRobert A. Welch Foundation),2014年获斯隆研究奖(Sloan Research Fellowship)。






  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,离子在溶液里的结构和动力学,在研,主持
  2. 国家自然科学基金国家重大科研仪器研制项目,时间空间能量分辨的超快超宽频多维光谱,在研,主持
  3. H2 Production Reactor System with 5KW Fuel Cell  (supported by KAUST), 在研,主持



  1. 《物理化学实验》(化院本科生必修课,获评化院2019届本科生最喜爱课程)
  2. 《中级物理化学实验》(化院本科生选修课)
  3. 《现代分析化学》(研究生专业选修课)



  1. S Huang, J Yang, L Ma, J Ding, X Wang, C Peng, B Zhao, M Cao, J Zheng, X Zhang, J Chen, Effectively Regulating More Robust Amorphous Li Clusters for Ultrastable Dendrite-Free Cycling, Advanced Science, 2101584, 2021.
  2. C Hou, J Deng, J Guan, Q Yang, Z Yu, Y Lu, Z Xu, ZF Yao, J Zheng, Photoluminescence of Monolayer MoS2 Modulated by Water/O2/Laser Irradiation, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, DOI: 10.1039/D1CP03651C, 2021.
  3. C Hou, Q Yang, J Guan, J Deng, Z Xu, Z Yu, J Zheng, Concealing messages at the atomic-thin level by reaching the limit of writing, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2101089, 2021.
  4. Guan, J.X., Prlj, A., Wei, R., Peng, J., Lin, K.H., Liu, J.T., Han, H., Yu, Z.H., Corminboeuf, C., Zhao D., and Zheng, J.R. (2020) Direct observation of aggregation-induced emission mechanism, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 132, 15013-15019.
  5. Lei, Y.X., Dai, W.B., Guan, J.X., Guo, S., Ren, F., Zhou, Y.D., Shi, J.B., Tong, B., Cai, Z.X., Zheng, J.R., Dong, Y.P. (2020) Wild-Range Color-Tunable Organic Phosphorescence Materials for Printable and Writable Security Inks, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202003585.
  6. Cao, J., Shen, X.Y., Yu, Z.H., and Zheng, J.R. (2020) Engineering the crystalline silicon surface by femtosecond laser processing in liquid: hierarchical micro/nanostructure and amorphization, Mater. Chem. Phys., 248, 122909.
  7. Liu, J.T., Ye, W.J., Wang, S.J., Zheng, J.R., Tang, W.P., Li, X.X. (2020) Synthesis of Lactams via Ir-Catalyzed C−H Amidation Involving Ir- Nitrene Intermediates, J. Org. Chem., 85, 4430-4440.
  8. Deng, G.H., Shen, Y.N., Chen, H.L., Chen, Y.J., Jiang, B., Wu, G.R., Yang, X.M., Yuan, K.J., and Zheng, J.R. (2019) Ordered to Disordered Transformation of Enhanced Water Structure on Hydrophobic Surfaces in Concentrated Alcohol-Water Solutions, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 10, 7922-7928.
  9. Wang Lulu†, Huang Kuo-Wei, Chen Jitao*, Zheng Junrong*; Ultralong cycle stability of aqueous zinc-ion batteries with zinc vanadium oxide cathodes; Science Advances; 2019, 5: 4279
  10. Xu Linghong†, Li Guibin, Guan Jianxin, Wang Lulu, Chen Jitao*, Zheng Junrong*; Garnet-doped composite polymer electrolyte with high ionic conductivity for dendrite-free lithium batteries; Journal of Energy Storage; 2019, 24: 100767.
  11. Li Jiebo†, Zhang Yufan, Zheng Junrong*; Intermolecular energy flows between surface molecules on metal nanoparticles; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 2019, 21: 4240-4245.
  12. Deng Liang†, Zhang Juntian, Chen Jitao, Yu Zhihao, Zheng Junrong*; Non-sedated functional imaging based on deep synchronization of PROPELLER MRI and NIRS; Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine; 2019, 175: 1-7
  13. Zhang, Y.F.; Chen, X.; Zheng, B.; Guo, X.M.; Pan, Y.P.; Chen, H. L.; Li, H.F.; Min, S.X.;Guan, C.; Huang, K.W.; Zheng, J. R. (2018) Structural Analysis of Transient Reaction Intermediate in Formic Acid Dehydrogenation Catalysis Using Two-Dimensional IR Spectroscopy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 115, 12395–12400.
  14. X Wen, H Chen, T Wu, Z Yu, Q Yang, J Deng, etc. & J Zheng. Ultrafast probes of electron-hole transitions between two atomic layers. Nat. Commun., 9(2018): 1859.
  15. H Chen, X Chen, J Deng, & J Zheng. Isotropic ordering of ions in ionic liquids on the sub-nanometer scale, Chem. Sci., 9(2018): 1464
  16. X Cao, L Wang, J Chen, & J Zheng. A low-cost Mg2+/Na+ hybrid aqueous battery. J. Mater. Chem. A., 6(2018): 15762
  17. G Li, X Chen, L Miao, J Chen, & J Zheng. A hybridized solid-gel nonflammable Li-Battery. J. Power Sources. 394 (2018): 26
  18. X Cao, L Wang, J Chen, & J Zheng. Low-Cost Aqueous Magnesium-Ion Battery Capacitor with Commercial Mn3O4 and Activated Carbon. ChemElectroChem. 5(2018): 1
  19. Q Zhang, H Chen, T Wu, T Jin, Z Pan, J Zheng, Y Gao, W Zhuang, The opposite effects of sodium and potassium cations on water dynamics. Chem. Sci., 8(2017): 1429
  20. C Guan, D Zhang, Y Pan, M Iguchi, etc. & J Zheng. Y Himeda, H Kawanami, K Huang. Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid Catalyzed by a Ruthenium Complex with an N,N'-Diimine Ligand. Inorg. Chem., 56.1 (2017): 438
  21. H Chen, H Bian, J Zheng, Determining 3D Molecular Conformations with Ultrafast Multiple-Dimensional Vibrational Spectroscopy. Acta Phys.-Chim. Sin. 33.1 (2017): 40
  22. D Zhou, Q Wei, H Bian, J Zheng, Direct Vibrational Energy Transfer in Monomeric Water Probed with Ultrafast Two Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy, Chin. J. Chem. Phys., 30(2017): 619
  23. H Chen, X Wen, J Zhang, T Wu, Y Gong, X Zhang, J Yuan, C Yi, J Lou, etc. & J Zheng. Ultrafast formation of interlayer hot excitons in atomically thin MoS2/WS2 heterostructures. Nat. Commun., 7(2016): 12512
  24. J Li, K Yuan, H Chen, A Miranda, Y Shen, etc. & J Zheng. Nonresonant Vibrational Energy Transfer on Metal Nanoparticle/Liquid Interface. J. Phys. Chem. C., 120.44(2016): 25173
  25. B Jiang, V Ponnuchamy, Y Shen, X Yang, K Yuan, V Vetere, S Mossa, I Skarmoutsos, Y Zhang, & J Zheng. The Anion Effect on Li+ Ion Coordination Structure in Ethylene Carbonate Solutions. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 7.18(2016): 3554
  26. Y Shen, G Deng, C Ge, Y Tian, G Wu, X Yang, J Zheng, K Yuan, Solvation structure around the Li+ ion in succinonitrile-lithium salt plastic crystalline electrolytes. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18.22(2016): 14867
  27. Y Shen, B Jiang, C Ge, G Deng, H Chen, X Yang, K Yuan, J Zheng, Intermolecular Vibrational Energy Transfers in Melts and Solutions. Chin. J. Chem. Phys., 29.4(2016): 407